Sunday, July 31, 2011

Texts from my Hut

Technology has made Peace Corps service a drastically different experience today than it was 50 years ago. I’ll write more one day about the pluses and minuses of having an iPod in village but today I’d like to focus on another gadget that the first volunteers half a century ago didn’t have – the cell phone. My phone keeps me sane, plain and simple. My day is made infinitely better by texts and phone calls that let me know my friends are experiencing the same highs/lows/frustrations/exultations and cultural misunderstandings that I am. I also have some pretty hilarious friends here.

Please enjoy this first installment of Texts from My Hut…all messages will remain anonymous to protect the dignity of senders and receivers.

-My fam just crushed up aspirin and put it directly on this cut thing behind the baby’s ear. WTF.

-Things I find challenging include not picking scabs

-Cipro is magic. Feel so much better.

-I love not wearing pants. They’re such an imposition.

-I think it might be time for pantsless dash to the douche.

-Ways to know you have bad hygiene: today I washed my hair for no reason other than I accidentally pulled too much water, so I though “ugh, might as well”

-By the way, I told my mom I wipe my butt with my hand. She doesn’t believe me. She’s sending tp

-I have a lot of those moments. I think my pc service will be my selective memory’s greatest challenge yet.

-What am I doing? Oh, you know, just attracting the crazies, like usual.

1 comment:

  1. By the way, washing your butt with water is better for you than tp, less rashes. lol
